公告 & 活动
《Aurora 7》圣诞舞会邀请 - Christmas Ball Invitation
Saturday, 21 December 2019

奇幻童话《Aurora 7》进入圣诞佳节咯,全新V2.0.0版本新增各类童话英雄与丰富玩法,也迎来了圣诞关卡挑战赛,现诚邀你进入圣诞童话狂欢派对。

- 大量新服奖励获钻石与转蛋抽。
- 通关即送光与闇SR英雄
- 7天登入领SSR拇指公主波比
- 排行大奖SSR魔神卡崔娜

《Aurora 7》是一款拥有华丽舞台场景,爽快即时操控战斗,童话英雄养成的ARPG,颠覆传统童话与穿越拯救世界的故事情节,主角Aurora带领你寻找和训练各类童话英雄,包括:

APK TapTaphttps://www.tap.io/app/175449
APK QooApphttps://apps.qoo-app.com/en/app/9212

Christmas Ball Invitation
The Fantasy fairy tale 《Aurora 7》 will celebrate its Christmas!
Whole new V2.0.0 version will have new fairy tale storyline for each hero and various kind of playstyle

The new version also include christmas stage challenge contest. Now Aurora 7 invite everyone to join The fairy tale Christmas Party.

S11 Rapunzel will be open and will get plenty rewards:
- Lots of new server reward such as free diamond and gacha key.
- Clear Stage and get free light and dark SR hero
- Login 7 days to get SSR Thumbelina
- New server ranking reward: SSR Dark Katrina

《Aurora 7》 is an Fairy tale simulation ARPG with magnificence stage background,smooth and pleasant touch control which will satisfied your need with the game.

With subversion of tradition fairy tale story,the main character "Aurora" will train you and lead you to other fairy tale story such as:
Little Red Riding Hood, Beauty and the Beast, Rapunzel, Alice in the
Wonderland, Little Mermaid and other adventurous fairy tale fantasy story!

Android: http://bit.ly/2WpBoDH
iOS: https://apple.co/2BQYIRo
APK TapTap: https://www.tap.io/app/175449
APK QooApp: https://apps.qoo-app.com/en/app/9212